In our fast-paced lives, we often find ourselves consumed by the demands of work, constant deadlines, and the relentless buzz of technology. Amidst this whirlwind, we tend to overlook the simple joys that nature can offer – the serenity of a sunrise, the thrill of new experiences, and the awe-inspiring beauty of the natural world. At CCR (Connect, Create, Renew), we appreciate the importance of breaking away from the chaos of everyday life and rediscovering the tranquility and wonder of nature.

One of the most extraordinary experiences we offer at CCR is the opportunity to share the joy of helping others catch fish for the first time. Picture yourself on a serene lake at dawn, where the only company you have is the vast expanse of nature. Imagine the opportunity to pause your responsibilities to play some golf, surrounded by immaculately cared-for grasses, a diverse range of foliage, and trees thoughtfully placed by master landscapers creating a breathtaking backdrop for your adventure. Whether you are a novice or an experienced sportsman, this is an opportunity to connect with nature in its purest form.

At CCR, our mission is to provide an uninhibited experience, free from the cares of the world. We want you to fully immerse yourself in the wonders of natural creation, allowing you to return to your daily life with a renewed sense of purpose and vitality. Life's challenges can be demanding, often leading to low productivity and diminished personal satisfaction. However, when you grant yourself the opportunity to break free from your routine and immerse yourself in an environment surrounded by incredible creation, your soul receives a much-needed recharge.

We believe that nature has the power to heal, inspire, and rejuvenate. Our special adventures offer a unique opportunity to step away from the chaos of life and rediscover the wonders of the natural world. Join us in embracing the joy of helping others catch fish and savoring the serenity of a sunrise in pristine surroundings. Take a break from the pressures of the world and allow your soul to recharge in the beauty of nature. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of nature enthusiasts.

Are you in need of a retreat that will rekindle your connection with nature? Or do you know someone who deserves a break from the daily grind? CCR invites you to participate in one of our special adventures, where you can experience the beauty of the outdoors and the thrill of catching your first, or not first fish. To nominate yourself or someone you believe would benefit from this experience, please email us a description of why you or your nominee is the perfect fit for a CCR adventure.

